First UK based platform  to include worldwide clinics ready to offer medical tourism treatment packages globally, so that appointment for any surgery or treatment could be booked within one day and health would not be irreversibly damaged by overwaiting.

Platform services are free, since we have exclusive representation agreements for UK.

Establishing cooperation with regulators to improve post treatment standards and improve medical tourism quality.

Oksana Zadorozhna
Business Development Partner UK
Consultant Marketing & Customer Support
at Swiss company . Volunteer at RNIB.
Ambassador at

Story behind

About a year ago, in March 2022 just after the war happened in Ukraine. I was in UK and with all the war stress I broke my tooth. Back at home, in Irpin, I had the same dentist since I was 5 years old. Dr. Ihor Poteryayko, best in Kyiv region and I knew he would do the best for me. If I could simply go home if there had been no war.

But it was not possible. I could only pray everyone was safe.

Since Bucha city and Irpin city took the first hit on 24th February 2022!

After, 2 months, when my family was in safer area though I still couldn’t go back to Ukraine, my mind cleared a bit. And my thoughts went back to my dental issue. I needed a really attentive crafts dentist, who would not just sell me very expensive implant, since it’s fast and easy but would also have enough time. In order to do a sophisticated, skilled job in restoring the broken tooth and putting the dental crown on.

I had a friend in medical sector in Istanbul and I asked her to recommend someone and she did. I thought of Istanbul, since I knew Turkish people tend to provide best premium customer service and it is more affordable.

That is when I contacted Dr. Tugba Uluer and sent her my Xray and checked when best option to fly and when she could make a range of appointments, so I could restore and do dental crown within 6 days.

The first day I arrived I was happy about this choice. Travelling on it’s own is already is already good for health:)mentally. Dr. Tugba was very attentive and genuinely helpful. She did skilled job in restoration. And after filling the dental crow perfectly. All within 6 days.

Her clinic administrator helped to get around and advised places to see. Going to Hagia Sophia was most memorable.

I am wring this story in March 2023, happy with the dental crown and memories of my trip.

Back to why I decided to establish Medical Tourism Platform Ltd:

When the waitinglists of the National Health Service provider in UK became unrealistic. I realised people need help with finding the premium affordable treatments just like me. Covid 19 affected medical system badly. WAITING TWO YEARS FOR EXAMPLE, FOR SIMPLE GYNECOLOGICAL TREATMENT IS TOO MUCH(as it may become something more serious withing these 2 years). SAME TIME NHS NEEDS TO HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO DO LIFESAVING TREATMENTS.

And in December 2022 I established Medical Tourism Platform Ltd in UK and started the research for the best clinics and specialists in top holiday destinations.

So, just like me, people could book and travel and fix the health issues. Taking into account, that I personally went and checked all this clinics and signed exclusive representation in UK.

Oksana Zadorozhna

Business Development Partner UK